doc. Florin Leonte, Ph.D.

Zástupný obrázek
Kontaktní údaje


Katedra historie

Filozofická fakulta

Na Hradě 5



My research interests concern the the interactions between Greeks and Latins in the wider area of the Eastern Mediterranean, with a particular focus on the late medieval period. I am also interested in questions of rhetorical constructions of authority in postclassical and medieval texts. I have taught various classes of Greek language, literature, and history at Harvard University and the Central European University in Budapest.

Leonte F. From History to Propaganda andBack: Byzantium in the Romanian Historical. Byzantium in the Popular Imagination: The Modern Reception of the Byzantine Empire. 2023.
Leonte F. Translation, Introduction and Commentary of Euthymios Malakes' Oration for Manuel I Komnenos When the Sultan Came to Constantinople. Sources for Byzantine Art History Volume 3. The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (1081–c.1350). 2021.
Leonte F. Aspects of Collective Decision-Making in Late Byzantium Institutions and Experts. Unterstützung bei herrscherlichem Entscheiden Experten und ihr Wissen in transkultureller und komparativer Perspektive. 2020.
Leonte F. Didacticism in Byzantine Epistolography. A Companion to Byzantine Epistolography. 2020.
Leonte F. The Letters of Demetrios Kydones. A Companion to Byzantine Epistolography. 2020.
Leonte F. Plutarch and Late Byzantine Intellectuals (c. 1350–1460). Brill's Companion to the Reception of Plutarch. 2019.
Leonte F. Conveying Imperial Ideals to the Periphery of Empire/ The Two MilitaryOrations of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos. Center, Province and Periphery in the Age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos From De Ceremoniis to De Administrando Imperio. 2018.
Leonte F. Dramatisation and narrative in late Byzantine dialogues: Manuel II Palaiologos’s "On Marriage" and Mazaris’ "Journey to Hades". In Cameron A. (Eds.) Dialogues and Debates from Late Antiquity to Late Byzantium, ed. A. Cameron and N. Gaul. 2017.
Leonte F. Byzantine Studies Day. 2021.

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